Saturday, November 28, 2009

Stay. 6a


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Well.. except for one


Latifa singing Ain't no mountain high *


" whaaaaaat " in her annoying whiny voice

" Did you use my Facebook account today? "

" No, but Jaz.. "


Jazi singing Ain't no sunshine *

" Jazi? "

" MU ANA! "


Jazi: " w-wallah I thought it was my account! I thought I signed you out, so I requested him. But I didn't know how to undo the request so I

just signed out! "

Sara: " Inzain.. You are no longer allowed to use my laptop :p "

Jazi: " So you're not angry? "

Sara: " No, I can remove him by a click of a button "

Jazi: " but he's going to find out eventually "

Latifa: " ee ya3ni Faisal's not stupid, Jazi friend requested him and then you remove him, it's like Hey I added you to take a look at your profile then I would remove you. TAKE THAT FAISAL! :p "

Sara: " Not at all. It would be like, oh did I add you? Hmmm.. well I guess not, then click click we are no longer friends "

Jazi: " it's up to you "

Latifa: " Kay, now back to the subject. Khalti Najeeba invited us over at Wednesday for.. umm.. ummm? "

Jazi: " dinner! "

Latifa: " ee dinner! "

Sara: " Inshallah :) "

Latifa: " Jaz! Let's watch a movie! "

Jazi: " Mali 5ilg "

Latifa: " Monopoly? "

Jazi: " HELL YEAH!! "

Sara: " wait wait, isn't today Tuesday? "

Latifa: " yeah, so? "

Sara: " yeah, I'm going to sleep :D "

Jazi: " Night Sara "

Sara: " Night Jaz "

She went to bed, had a good night's sleep. Woke up at 10:00 am, Her parents were out visiting her aunt, and Jazi and Latifa were sleeping.

She took a shower and her day passed normally, now it was 7:00 ..

Um 7amad: Yallah yumma tjahezaw

All: Inshallah yumma..

Sara wore her elegant beige dress, and applied her makeup which was light pink lipstick.. She believed in natural beauty.

She entered Najeeba's, or Faisal's house.

She salimat 3ala Khalat.ha Najeeba and sat next to Latifa..

That's weird.. Faisal's not here.

Um 7amad: wee! 7abeebti Sara nisaina nyeeb sheera 7ag leknafa! Goumay 7abeebti yeebay

Sara: Inshallah yuma..

She forgot her purse which had her car keys, mobile and wallet. She didn't realize that her wallet was inside her bag.

She decided to walk to the Jam3ya because they didn't have Sheere in their house.

To go to the Jam3eya, she would have to cross the park..

But what she didn't know was going to happen ..

Is something that you won't find out until next post :b


Anonymous said...

.•*Silent reader*•.

aaaaah cliff hanger XD cool cant wait

until then next post pweeeeez ^_^

Stairway to heaven said...

Silent reader: Not so silent anymore eh? :P
Thanks for passing by :*

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