This post is maybe long. I don't know how long do you people want a post so tell me, the comment box is ta7at btw :p
" what the hell!"
" excuse me? "
" 3aib ana rayal wa5aleech carry jna6iich! "
" no really, it's ok "
" la wallah mn 9ij! "
" oh
Al7een shasawi!!! Those things are not supposed to happen in real life! These are things that happen in a cheesy lame movie! GOD I HATE HIM! "
" yallah 7aboobah ! " he tapped on her head again and was walking to the exit
" what's with the tapping on the head! " She was too shy to have a "violent" reaction :p
" I … hate you :) " she whispered to herself
She walked right behind him until they reached the wait for your sha7an bags place.
" hach " he reached his hand out and grinned
She grabbed it and called her sister Jazi..
"Hey Jaz"
"Heeeey! Sara!! We9altay?!"
" you can not believe what was happening! "
" it's a guy isn't it? "
" what the heck, how did you… "
" Just kidding, don't overreact you little shy shy girl :P "
" No no, it is! "
" WHAT!! Tell me everything! "
" wait aren't you outside waiting for me? "
" no "
" then who is? "
" Latifa w Maritaiz w el saye8 w 7amood "
" wow, you must be really missing me! :P "
" I miss you! Bas Latifa kla msta3yla! W 7amood gallaha ini hawant! "
" haha "
" well she ra7at 3anni "
" yallah come! I miss you :( "
" me too :) "
" mu kethri, you don't know what it's like to live with 7amood! "
" oh come one, he's 5 give him a break! :P ya3ni you're 20, 5alay latifa deal with him :P "
" ifff just come home! "
" kay :D yalla bye "
" wait wait wait!! "
" what? "
" tell me about the guy :P "
" bye honey! :P "
She walked to the door elli it opens when you come jedamah ( also forgot what we call it ;p )
" Sara!!! " 7amad said as he ran to her reaching his hand out she got down and hugged him.
Latifa came and gave her a huge hug ,they love each other like too much!
" Awww I miss you :( "
" hey hey! Is your car parked here? Can I drive!? Oh oh, can I can I ?!! "
" ok, first of all you're 17, second of all no , third of all my car's not even here ! "
" oh damn! "
" hehe! yalla let's go 7amoo.. oh my god! 7amad!! 7amad!!!?"
" 7amood!!! "
"where is he!?"
" maritaz!! Wain 7amad!! "
" I don't know madam! "
" oh my god!! 7AMAD!!!! "
So.. where is he? :p
Tell me what you think aaaaaaaand ..
Follow me! * whispering *
ambaaa waina 7amad :S
laish a7es fai9al lah shou'3el bil salfa
laish chithy tell us plz
i liked ur story
plz post asap !!
Maaaaaadri (6)
No idea! You tell me.. why? :p
thanks, i'm posting soon i promise!
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